Charge Advisor Project

Next Generation Charging Experiences for Plug-in Electric Vehicles

Plugable Electric Vehicle (PEV) User are subject to Range Anxiety when driving to destination; range autonomy barrier affects both Plugin Electric Vehicles (PEVs) switch on and convenient use of charging station infrastructure. Difficulty to forecast and efficiently plan recharging demand at charging stations for in-grid charging points. Difficulty for Charging Station Infrastructure to respect power constraints (planned load curves) when recharging Electric Vehicles.


  • Smart Charging Control: deliver smart charging, using active demand products, matching smart grid constraints and driver preferences.
  • Smart Trip Planning: provide the EV User of a smart, range-aware, trip planning tool, for charging station search and selection.
  • Smart Charging Management: enable the EV User to remotely interact with Charging Stations to reserve the recharging slot and to acquire user constraints and preferences.

Value proposition

Charge Advisor provides a 360 degree charging experience from (real-time) control of electric grid constraints vs every involved grid actor, up to smart charging management and best charging station selection for user recharge.

Customer Segments

Charging Station Operators with European/International focus, standard driven, investors in e-mobility market leadership, players of smart grid ecosystem].
Charging Station Manufacturers with both Global and Local focus, standard driven, interested in bundling a fully integrated software/hardware infrastructure.
Other B2B companies of Charging Supply Value Chain.

Project Data

(Applied Research to Technologies)

Project Coordinator:
Dr Vincenzo Suraci

Community contribution to the project:
150.000,00 €

Start Date:
June, 8, 2015

This project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n. 632852